Monday, October 30, 2006

Lights, Camera, Action: Picture BLITZ (I guess this means I got a camera, huh?)


Look who I found strolling around the Kathmandu Valley! I instantly felt a soul-to-soul connection! Posted by Picasa


work in progress said...

holy cow jason! you are hairy! you almost look like ben casey..almost.

Jess said...

Nepal appears to agree with you guys so much! I love the ministry that you guys have there! Those kids look like they just love yall so much. I am so proud of what yall are doing! One question though, how did a razorback pic make its way in there? It seems that you are missing Razorback football a little too much. haha just teasin!

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you for many reasons, but the Number 1 is that you can now grow a full beard. A lot has changed in a year. Welcome to the fold.

PS Tell Jordan to shave that small ?red? hampster on his chin.

We love and miss yall! Pix of Boston and Sooie will be showing up on my blog soon!

Did you guys get your absentee ballots?

leah marie. said...

yay! i love them all!

i don't think i have ever seen you facial hair til these pics.

leah marie. said...

ahem..i meant

"ever seen you WITH facial hair..."

Anonymous said...

Hey Jason! Take a look at this article and tell me what eveyone is saying...
Article on Peace in Nepal
Supposedly this is a real big deal. Is it?

Mindy said...

Jason, how 'bout them Hogs? It's killing me, too, but at least I can view them on TV for now. You heard we host Gameday for the TN game, right? I'll be in "class" the entire day. I enjoy the stories!

leah marie. said...

so jas, my new post is for you, dear...