Monday, February 12, 2007

Maybe I should just write and take a vow of silence!

...First of all, before I receive several comments supporting that I remain silent for the rest of my life, allow me to explain my thoughts...

I have come to realize from my time in Nepal that I, in fact, am better at communicating things through a letter, an email, or a blog than I would be if I were talking face to face with someone. I do not consider myself gifted in the relational side of life. And, I know some that can agree with me on this one. But, being away from home has allowed me to be more intentional with the things that I say. It has forced me to think before I write (or speak) and give careful consideration to my words. It has even helped me to be intentional. And, for me, this is good! I think most will agree that I sometimes say things I should not or dont say things that I should.

In relating with family and friends I have been more open about what is going on, both inside my heart and with things around me. Some were concerned that I would not be able to talk to them and see them as much as if I had stayed around NWA. And well, they are correct that they dont see me, but I would have to argue that my communication with them has been more open and freely given. In return, I have received emails and comments from them as well detailing what their life is like. The conversations that I have had with others back home, via email, have been encouraging and confirming. Though our normal everyday conversations that I am used to in the states are refreshing, I have sensed a deeper connection, and more now so than ever. Of course, I don't get to talk to my family and friends as much as I would if I were home, but the times I do get to hear from them (usually once every week or two) are more purposeful. I feel like I know more about some now than I have for a while. I think we can all agree that we as a culture are good at the "small talk", with the exception of one, Shawn Schwartzman--the man with a thousand questions.

I second Jordan's comment about the communication that we are used to.

-"Hey, how are you?"
-"Good. How are you?"
-"Well, good to see you."
-"Yeah, you too."

However, I realize that I am one who uses this form of "communication" the most. I am a fan of the "small talk" conversations. And, although I usually stumble over my words to keep a conversation going (Whats your name, where are you from, what do you like? You know the usual), I love authenticity. I enjoy being able to see where people's hearts are, especially those I know and care about. It is rewarding and uniting!

I hope that this that I have learned will follow with me in May as I return home.

...Or maybe I will take a vow of silence and only write to express my thoughts and communicate things.

1 comment:

Eric Dacus said...

You need to see Little Ms Sunshine when you get back, or bootleg it there... one of the characters made a similar vow with some pretty funny results...

I'm glad you founud some good folks to keep in touch with and I'm sorry I haven't written more.