...(are you ready)...
....(are you sure?)...
.....(here we go)....
Once upon a time there was a warrior who lived in a land far, far away. His name was…Warrior. Things were awesome! He was fighting and defeating the evil forces that plagued the land. No one could stop him. He donned the needed attire taken from the Great Book. He had the Belt of Truth, the Helmet of Salvation, the Shoes of the Gospel of Peace, the Sword of the Spirit, and the Breastplate of Righteousness (back then they made do with the plaid garments they could find). He was missing one thing though—the Shield of Faith.
At this point, no one could stop him. He was undefeatable!

The Enemy of the evil side, the “powers of the dark world”, “schemed” to take Warrior out of this world. Enemy came at him from every angle and sought to attack him at his weakest point. And, it seemed to be working. Warrior could not stand against Enemy’s attacks. He had to do something, and quick!

Meet Father. Father was rad and rockin. He was where it was at! Everyone, including Enemy, feared Father. He was glorious!
Warrior knew that he could not defeat Enemy without Father’s help. So he offered up a gift and request up to him. He pleaded for help against his adversary.
Father assured him that He would always be with him. It was a fellowship that could not be broken. They took off on their journey to pursue victory against Enemy and his evil powers.
Father bestowed upon him his special powers (and a foot that went almost a little too close) and Warrior was successful. At last, Warrior snuck up on Enemy and used his power to defeat the ultimate Enemy! Enemy was never heard of again for all of eternity. And, Father and Warrior headed off to their distant land, Eden.

I think this is my favorite outfit. I think you should bring that fashion to America. Did those snow shoes do well at everest?
Jason you are too clever...you shoulda taped it..I woulda bought a copy!
This one time I was driving in Katmandu but I forgot where you live and didn't have your number so I didn't come visit. Oh well.
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