Hi! I am Jason Hayes and this is my dog, Boston! Welcome to my official blog! I will use this as a daily/weekly/monthly journal to help collect my thoughts and let you know the things that are going on as my journey in life continues in Nepal. I am very excited to see how the LORD is going to work in my life in that place! Thank you for your prayers and support! You truly are a significant member on a team that is impacting Kathmandu, Nepal.
Hi, Boston, it's me Snickers the dog in Tennessee... are you going to Nepal too? Don't you know that there's "cat" in Katmandu??!
Hey, my family wants your man to know they are so glad he has a blog. They'll be glad to be staying in touch. Bark bark, Ruff ruff, snickers fly
We'll be keeping up with you!
We'll be keeping up with you!
hi boston, it's me Snickers the dog in Fayetteville...or should I say Kansas since my crummy mom dumped me off. i really hope your dad doesn't just dump you off with some crazy family too...if they do, i am here for support...maybe we could even go out for bones sometime...i dunno, might be considered incest, but then again we are in arkansas...think about it. and good luck with your new home. i will be praying for you.
Boston, how 'bout you and the two snix rendevous for a little TN squirrel chasing out back? Almost caught one the other day, but alas, he 'scaped up the tree. But I got real 'cited when my mom took me on a walk round the block and I saw double dose of roadkill... a gen-u-ine squirrel AND a foo foo rabbit... come on out; the eatin's good! (No offense, but they'd rather have your man visit instead!)
Jason, I know we're having fun with the dog talk, but seriously, know that I'm so impressed with the tender heart that is following the call to serve God in a weary land, to build into the lives of children for the sake of the future of Nepal. You are SO good with kids, including my own. I've seen you grow amazingly as you press deeper and deeper into the Lord's service, and I can only imagine the journey ahead. I look forward to hearing how together you and He (and Jordan) are going to work, and am so very thankful for the privilege of sharing in your details, via your blog. You'll never be more than an email away, (which is more than I can say for my cell phone's ability!) Love you much, and believe in what you're about. He will equip you for the journey! Aunt Julie and the fly guys
Hey Jas! Pretty impressive! :) We will miss you, but we're so excited to see what God's going to do through you! We're praying for you! We love you!
Jarrett and Chanika
How many more miles?? Are you there yet?? Looking forward to hearing of your safe arrival. love, snix & the flys
Jason, loved the updates and so glad to see you arrived safely. God is good! Glad also to have names to pray over (pics too). Hey, after sending a b'day card to a church member's son with the Peace Corps in Paraguay, he writes back, "Send my best to your nephew, who you mentioned was in Nepal. I actually had the good fortune of staying in a few dif. Christian orphanages around the country. It was a true blessing and I'm sure he will enjoy the oppty. to have an extended stay there." Wow! outta room. much love, aunt julie and family
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